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MOLDOVA Training sessions

  • Date: 12-13 February 2014
  • Place: Comrat (Republic of Moldova)
  • No. of participants: 40 participants from Republic of Moldova

On 12-13 February, 2014 in Comrat city, Republic of Moldova was held professionals working in the Civil the Training for Protection and Emergency Situation Service Ministry of Internal Affairs – CPES/MIA Republic of Moldova. The training was spent in the offices of
Directorate of Emergencies of Territorial Unit Gagauzia (February, 12) and Comrat University
(February, 13)

The Training is part of the GA3, Activity 3.2 – and was dedicated to increasing Capacity of
Emergency Professionals to React to the Earthquake Disasters.


Each participant was handed certificate confirming participation in Training.





The results seek to bring a broad expert knowledge shared on the earthquake related issues for each participating country; support of the public authorities for the elaborated reports and proposed plans; increased cooperation between relevant actors in the participating countries in the field of earthquake monitoring; increased use of modern, effective tools for: monitoring and early warning in case of earthquakes; sharing expertise; communication;


All activities aim to contribute to the prevention of natural disasters generated by earthquakes in Black Sea basin by developing a joint monitoring and intervention concept.


Workshops and trainings have been provided to increase the capacity of local institutions emergency intervention units for joint response activities in case of disasters

TURKEY Regional Workshop

  • Date : 27 – 28 September 2012
  • Place : Istanbul (Turkey)
  • No. Participants: 29 (14 from TR, 5 from RO, 5 from BGR, 5 from MLD)

Within the scope of Activity Group 1, regional workshop was organized in Istanbul by IPA partner with the participation of project partners and the stakeholders. The workshop organized at regional level with the purpose of working on country assessment reports comments,definitions of regional networking needs, the elaboration of “Black Sea seismicity monitoring andearly warning systems alignment plan” and initiation of future training outlines.

The workshop was organized in consecutive two days, on the dates of 27th and 28th September 2012 in Boğaziçi University Kandilli and Istanbul Aydın University Florya Campuses considering the related workshop topic titles. The workshop was attended by each project partner and their stakeholders. In total 29 participants (14 participants from TR, 5 participants from RO, 5 participants from BGR, 5 participants from MLD), from 11 Institutions participated the workshop.

In the workshop the technical aim was putting together the work developed by each partner in its respective country, and in this way ensuring the joint character of the project activities. End of the workshop it was also aimed to obtain the expected outcomes of :

  • Defining the country based ommon needs related to the sector
  • Drafting the “Black Sea Seismicity Monitoring and Early Warning System Alignment Plan”,
  • Dead-lining the development of plan within 2 months after the Regional Workshop,
  • Assessing the training needs of involved bodies from participating countries,
  • Developing a training plan after the assessment.

On the first day the workshop was opened and welcomed by the Deputy Director of KOERI, Prof.Dr.Nurcan Meral ÖZEL, the background, objectives an outcomes of the regional workshop topics were presented by IPA project Manager Ms.Nalan ÜKER, ESNET project objectives, activities, outcomes and its current situation was presented by ENPI project manager Dr.Stefan BALAN.

In the workshop as it was planned and projected based on the findings of each national assessment, common needs were defined under consensus of project partners and the “Black Sea seismicity monitoring and early warning systems alignment plan” was drafted. The draft plan contained two main chapters that defined as “technical” and “operative”, with 16 search sections. The technical part contained more scientific and seismological titles such seismic data sharing, geodetic information, seismic network issues and operative part included more operational titles such strengthening coordination skills, dealing with community based organizations and local authorities, development of a capacity building curricula, public awareness, uniform the terminology in the sector.

In the workshop investigations on country assessment reports were presented in order of RO, TR, BGR and MLD by NIEP, KOERI, BAS and IGS. In the workshop definitions of regional networking needs and defining the characterize and content of the “Black Sea Seismic Monitoring and Early Warning Alignment Plan” topics were discussed with the special research, case presentations and focus group discussions.

In the workshop as it was also projected the capacity building training needs of involved bodies from participating countries were assessed and turned into a training plan.

On the first day of the regional workshop the presenters were: Prof.Dr.Nurcan Meral ÖZER, Prof.Dr.Ali PINAR, Dr.Didem SAMUT, PhD students Ms.Özge ZÜLFİKAR, Ms.Zeynep COŞKUN and Ms.Esra ŞAHİN from TR, KOERI, Dr.Stefan BALAN and Dr.Dragos TATARU from RO, NIEP, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Lilya DIMITROVA from BGR, BAS, Dr.Alcaz VASILE from MLD, IGS.


On the second day of the regional workshop the mainly training needs of involved bodies from participating countries were assessed and turned into a training plan. In the workshop initiating and assessing the capacity building training needs were presented for all project countries by AFAM Director Asst.Prof.Dr.Kubilay KAPTAN. The sessions conducted with free discussions and brain storming on the alignment plan.
On the second day of the regional workshop the presenters were: Ms.Liliana Isebella PISCANU from Romania, Constanta County Management of Emergency Situations Inter Institutional Coordination and Cooperation Mr.Tudor TACHE from Romania, Constanta County Inspectorate for Emergency – Head of Fire Prevention Mr.Vitali MUTAF from Republic of Moldova, National Emergency System and Applications


End of the workshop it was decided to complete the plan with the following main directions:
All the workshop expenditures were such materials, catering services were covered from IPA partner and its budget including partners and the stakeholder institutions representatives’ international and local travel and accommodation expenses.

  1. Research, seismology, geology, tectonics etc. of the eligible regions of the project,
  2. Monitoring systems of the ESNET countries (seismic, GPS and OBS),
  3. Post seismic actions (involved institutions, actions plans, resources, training of involved
    bodies etc.)
  4. Early Warning Systems in ESNET countries (existing systems, possibilities of installing such
    devices, limits of such systems depending on the type of earthquakes, resources, trainings and

Final project meeting

  • Date: 25 April 2014
  • Place: Istanbul (Turkey)
  • Participants: 15 participants from 8 institutions (2 from Partner 1)

The Project final meeting was organized by Turkish IPA Project Partner, International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC). At the meeting participated by all Project Partner Institutions Romanian ENPI Project Partner National Institute of Research and Development for Earth Physics (NIEP)’s, Moldavian Project Partner, Institute of Geology and Seismology (IGS)’, Bulgarian Project Partner NIGGG Bulgarian Academy of Sciences’ and IPA Project Partner International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC)’s representatives. The Project was also participated by ESNET Romanian, Moldavian and Turkish Stakeholder Institutions’ representatives. In total 15 participants participated the meeting from 8 Institutions.

The meeting was opened by the Turkish Technical Team Members including welcoming and presenting meeting agenda.


Within the meeting mainly outcomes of the Project was checked out according to Project logical frame; quantitative results were controlled through logical frame of the Project. All Project Managers and Coordinators agreed about project progress and results by assessing quantitative outcomes of the Project.

In the 1st and 2nd sessions the project results and realized outcomes were also presented to ESNET Project Stakeholder Institutions’ representatives. It has been decided to start preparation of project final report accordingly Grant Contact Conditions. End of the morning sessions of the meeting participants had lunch in the same location where the meeting was held.

In the afternoon session’s future Projects and possible partnership opportunities between ESNET Project Partners were discussed, it was decided to pursue the new cross border grant calls and also scientific article applications through ESNET Project results.

The meeting ended statements of appreciations by all project partner institutions’ representatives about functioning and effective partnership that developed within the project with good wishes.


Turkey Closing Press Conference

  • Date: 24 April 2014
  • Place: Istanbul, Park City Hotel (Turkey)
  • Participants: 18 participants from 10 institutions

The press conference was organized by Turkish IPA Project Partner, International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC). Participants were Romanian ENPI Project Partner National Institute of Research and Development for Earth Physics (NIEP), Moldavian Project Partner, Institute of Geology and Seismology (IGS) and Bulgarian Project Partner NIGGG Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.


The meeting was also attended by the invited ESNET Network Member Institutions representatives: Kandilli Observatory Earthquake Research Institute KOERI, İstanbul Aydın University Disaster Education Application and Research Center, Ministry of Health National Medical Rescue Team Istanbul Branch, Istanbul Governorship Project Coordination Unit and Küçükçekmece Municipality.

The meeting was opened IPA Partner Project Manager Ms.Üker with a presentation about ESNET Project achievements and results of the project. The presentation also featured main topics how IBC developed strategies to sustain the project results. ENPI Partner NIPE Project Manager Dr.Balan conducted his presentation about “ESNET Early Warning System EWS that can be reached from In the presentation EWS’s registration/authentication, data access, log in, obtaining and installing the application, running the application sections were mainly presented. ENPI Moldavian Partner Coordinator Dr.Alcaz presented mainly the importance and Impact of the ESNET Project for Republic of Moldova, project conclusions and project opportunities. ENPI Bulgarian Partner Coordinator Dr.Trifonova’s presentation covered institutions involved, ESNET Project in Bulgaria, accomplishment analysis, information about NIGGG BAS and its seismic stations, networks and data center, project outputs and beneficiaries.


In the meeting Turkish Project Stakeholders Assoc.Prof.Dr.Eren Uçkan (KOERI Earthquake Engineering Department Member) and MsC Engineer Fikret Azılı (IPCU Deputy Director) ave short speeches about importance ESNET project in the region and the sustainability that will be supported by the related stakeholder institutions.

The meeting ended with participants’ thanks to all the project partners, stakeholders and the media. In total 18 participants participated the meeting from 10 Institutions. The İHA (İhlas News Agency) serviced the press bulletin through its network that has over 1500 media members in different level.

Some of meeting news can be reached from:

ESNET Press Meeting news also took place in TV chanell news on Flash TV and Rumeli TV.

ROMANIA Project Closing Conference

Date: 10 April 2014
Place : Hotel Bulevard, Constanta (Romania)
No. of Participants: 20 from MD; 27 from RO, 20 from TR, 18 from BG

The Closing Conference of the project ‘Black Sea Earthquake Safety Net (work) ‘-ESNET – took place at the Hotel Bulevard, Constanta, with the participation of the four partners: National Research Institute for Earth Physics (INFP), National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, Institute of Geology and Seismology of the Republic of Moldova and the International Foundation for Relief and Development – Blue Crescent of Turkey. The agenda comprise the following topics and speakers:

  • Dr.Eng. Stefan Florin Balan , ESNET Project Manager, – “ESNET Main Project Achievements”
  • Dr. Eng.Dragos Tataru “ESNET Web based tools for cooperation and disseminating results”
  • Dr. Petya Trifonova ; “Evaluation of the ESNET project results and outputs in Bulgaria”,
  • Nalan ÜKER – IBC : “The impacts, results and the achievements of ESNET Project in Turkey”
  • Vasile ALCAZ. “The Importance and Impact of the ESNET Project in Republic of Moldova”.
  • Seuleanu Dragos : The seconds after earthquakes dropped the leash – What we are doing after, science is helping us?
  • Marmureanu Gh. Ionescu C., Balan St., “Generation of people and environment safety to strong Vrancea earthquakes”
  • Prof. Dimcho Solakov DSc. “ESNET Country’s plans for action regarding earthquakes” MONITORING AND ACTIONS IN THE EVENT OF AN EARTHQUAKE
  • Dr.Doğan KALAFAT – Prof.Dr.Ali PINAR – KOERI : Seismic operations carried out by KOERI and ESNET Seismic Network
  • Vitalie MUTAF. Results of the ESNET Training Session for Emergency Professionals of Moldova.
  • Movies about ESNET



Assoc.Prof.Dr. Eren UÇKAN – KOERI : Harmonization of the ESNET network database to be used in possible future cross border projects regarding seismic risk mitigation of critical extended infrastructures

Rashid BURTIEV. Seismic Hazard Analysis Republic of Moldova and adjacent territories.

MOLDOVA Closing Press Conference

  • Date: 04 April 2014
  • Place: Hotel DACIA, Chisinau (Republic of Moldova)
  • No. of Participants: 28 from MD; 2 from RO, 2 from TR.

The press conference was organized by Moldavian Project Partner, Institute of Geology and Seismology (IGS). Participants were Romanian ENPI Project Partner National Institute of Research and Development for Earth Physics (NIEP) and Turkish IPA Implementing Project Partner International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation. The meeting was also attended by the invited ESNET Network Member Institutions representatives: Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service/MIA, Chisinau City Hall, Moldova State University, Institute of Informational Society Developement et al.

1. Dr. hab. Vasile Alcaz, Moldova project coordinator guided the press conference. He welcomed the participants and presented the closing conference agenda (see below).

2. Dr. Alcaz made a presentation about the general overview of the project. He clarified the scope, tasks and main objectives of the project to the press conference participants. Than dr. Alcaz has presented the main results and impact of ESNET project. Special attention he has granted to the importance of this project for Moldova.

3. Dr Stefan Balan, made two presentations: 1) about the contents of the book ” Black See Earthquake Safety Network”, prepared and edited within the project, and 2) about the opportunities and peculiarities of ESNET Early Warning System.

4. Ms. Nalan Uker, INt. Blue Cresc. Rel. and Dev. Foundation-IBC Program Director provided detailed information on the ESNET Capacity Building Start-Up Curricula.

5. Mr. Ion Ilies, Expert, IGS gave a presentation related to the experience of monitoring of seismicity in R. of Moldova. After the listed presentations partner coordinators have responded to the questions of media representatives and gave them interviews. At the press conference were also demonstrated three educational films prepared during ESNET project development.

After the listed presentations partner coordinators have responded to the questions of media representatives and gave them interviews. At the press conference were also demonstrated three educational films prepared during ESNET project development.

TURKEY Training sessions

  • Date: 13-14 February 2014
  • Place: Istanbul (Turkey)
  • Participants: 20 persons from 10 institutions

Trainings for the professionals in the emergency units of were realized in Turkey on the dates of 13th and 14th February 2014. As it was projected the trainings mainly delivered by expert whom have previously been participated in the meetings for developing and approving the curricula by


Asst.Prof.Dr.Kubilay KAPTAN. In this application the purpose was also to make sure that they have a broad knowledge and understanding the subject as it was indicated in the project proposal.

In the trainings the participant institutions were:

  • Istanbul Fire-bridge Management
  • Istanbul Disaster and Emergency Management
  • İAÜ Disaster Application Education and Research Centre
  • Kocasisnan Fire-bridge Group
  • Küçükçekmece County Civil Defense Group
  • Search and Rescue Federations Association
  • Küçükçekmece County Health Branch Public Health and Emergency Situation Unit
  • IBC Emergency Response Units
  • National Medical Rescue Unit Istanbul Branch
  • BU Kandilli Observatory Disaster Preparedness Unit

Two participants each from 10 institutions, in total 20 participants participated in the two days session trainings. Within the structure of the training following criteria and conditions were considered:

Information contained in the session(s) overviewed that could help participants to determine:

  • If the course is suitable for participants?
  • What participants will already need to know?
  • What participants can expect from the course?

The sessions’ contents mainly included:

  • An introduction of each session,
  • Participated Units outcomes,
  • Unifying new terminology,
  • A unit summary,

BULGARIA Closing Press Conference

  • Date: 14 February 2014
  • Place: Varna (Bulgaria)
  • Participants: 21 media

For the press-conference were invited national and regional TV media, journalists from
electronic and paper publishers, municipality experts, as well as scientists and experts.
Representatives from 6 TVs and 15 news agencies and other media were registered on the event.

Dr. Petya Trifonova (the project coordinator from NIGGG-BAS) delivered a presentation
explaining the results of ESNET project implementation and their practical application
concerning earthquakes. The ESNET web portal was presented in details, as well as the
developed electronic communication tool. Great interest was demonstrated to the ESNET book’s
dissemination and movies availability.

After the presentation, journalists had a lot of questions to the experts, concerning findings
about regional seismicity, vulnerability analyses, national preparedness for disaster caused by
earthquakes, possibilities for sharing the best practices established in partner countries.

Dr. Stefan Florin Balan , ESNET Project Manager, participated and answered questions about the

The press-conference finished with a positive impression left in the participants presuming that
the ESNET project outputs are real and useful benefits for the society.

BULGARIA Training sessions

  • Date: 12-13 February 2014
  • Place: Varna (Bulgaria)
  • Participants: 21 persons from 4 institutions

For the training were invited experts from the Bulgarian Red Cross, General Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection, Black sea municipalities.The training was organized in two-days training sessions. Trainers were prof. Dimcho Solakov and assoc. prof. Stela Simeonova from NIGGG-BAS. Both experts are experienced seismologists who have participated not only in the meeting for approving the curricula but in the general project implementation process.

Main findings of the ESNET project were presented to the participants, as well as main outputs. High interest was demonstrated by the trainees concerning topics like seismic hazard and risk in the Black sea region, early warning systems and best practices in case of disaster in the partner countries.

Materials from the training’s program were sent to participants for the purposes of knowledge sharing and multiplication. Certificates for training attendance were issued to the participants.

All the trainees were involved in the process of project’s results popularization and active
participation in the developed Black sea earthquake safety network, as well as in the ESNET
communication tool.
