Within the scope of Activity Group 1, regional workshop was organized in Istanbul by IPA partner with the participation of project partners and the stakeholders. The workshop organized at regional level with the purpose of working on country assessment reports comments, definitions of regional networking needs, the elaboration of “Black Sea seismicity monitoring and early warning systems alignment plan” and initiation of future training outlines. The workshop was organized in consecutive two days, on the dates of 27th and 28th September 2012 in Boğaziçi University Kandilli and Istanbul Aydın University Florya Campuses considering the related workshop topic titles. Continue reading
Network Inaugural Meeting, Varna
General purpose of the meeting: ESNET Project Inaugural Meeting’s main aim was to discuss and to have a consensus developing an agreement on creating a platform for long-term cooperation among the stakeholders in the participating countries, TR, RO, BGR and MLD in the fields of preventing, monitoring and intervention in case of earthquakes. Continue reading
Turkey Opening Press Conference
At İstanbul Armada Hotel a press conference was held presenting “ESNET Project activities, expected outputs, the Partnership developed between the Project Partners and the Project Funding Donor EU” by Project IPA Implementing Partner IBC; “Earthquake Hazards in Turkey”, “Seismic Hazard and Risk in Republic of Turkey and İstanbul”, “Seismic Hazard and Risk Vulnerability and Early Warning Systems in Turkey”, “Emergency Reactions in Turkey” and “İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project” by AFAD(1 Branch Manager), KOERI(3 Academicians), UMKE(1 Director, 2 Director Assistant, 2 Institution Members),IPCU (1 Manager) and AFAM (2 Academicians) representatives. Continue reading
Moldova Opening Press Conference
Moldova Press Conference was organized in 29 June 2012 in Kisinev, by the Institute of Geology and Seismology . Continue reading
Project Opening Conference, Eforie
The Opening Conference of the project ‘Black Sea Earthquake Safety Net (work) ‘-ESNET – took place at the Hotel Europa, Eforie North, with the participation of four partners: National Research Institute for Earth Physics (INFP), National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, Institute of Geology and Seismology of the Republic of Moldova and the International Foundation for Relief and Development – Blue Crescent of Turkey. Continue reading
Bulgaria Project Start Press Conference
At the Congress Centre Varna a press conference was held presenting “ESNET Project activities and expected outputs” and “Seismicity and hazard in Bulgaria and Black Sea region”. There was a big interest from national and local media. The press conference was attended by 5 national televisions, 3 radio stations, 2 news agencies and more than 10 online medias. Number of materials have been published or broadcast by local and national news programs. There was a coffee break and lunch organized for the participants in the press conference. Continue reading
Bulgaria Country Assessment Study Visit
The event was organized in 30-31 may 2012 in Varna region. During the first day of the Bulgarian exchange study visit a scientific session was held in the Varna Congress Centrum. The second day started with a visit to the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Varna). Continue reading
Romania Country Assessment Study Visit
The ESNET Project Romania Country Assessment Meeting was held on 15 – 16 May 2012, in Eforie, at the Dobrogea Seismological Observatory. The meeting was attended by the scientific researchers and technical experts from Project Partner Institutions IBC, Geophysical Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – BAS, and Geology and Seismology Institute of Moldavian Academy of Sciences – IGS, local authorities (major of Eforie town) and Local Department of Emergency Intervention Unit (ISU Dobrogea). Continue reading
Turkey Country Assessment Study Visit
The ESNET Project Turkey Country Assessment Meeting was held on 10 – 11 May 2012, in Istanbul, under the hosting of IBC – International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation and AFAM – Istanbul Aydin University Disaster Education, Application and Research Centre. The meeting was held with the objective to assess the disaster potential, with accent on the seismic risk degree and the earthquakes effects in the intervention areas of Turkey. Continue reading
Moldova Country Assessment Study Visit
The aim of the Meeting was to familiarize the participants with current status of the Moldavian national frameworks, strategies, policies and procedures regarding the prevention, monitoring and intervention in case of earthquake. The meeting was attended by the scientific researchers and experts from Project Partner Institutions: Romania National Institute of Research and Development for Earth Physics – NIEP, Geophysical Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – BAS, and International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation and AFAM- IBC – AFAM. Continue reading